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Failure To Diagnose Meningitis

A failure to diagnose meningitis can have disastrous effects, but you can recoup some of the damage that has been done.  Watch the video below to learn more about diagnosing meningitis cases from one of our medical malpractice attorneys.


Learn More:

Failure To Diagnose Chronic Health Conditions, Such As Diabetes

Is Failure to Diagnose a Form of Medical Negligence?

Can You Sue a Doctor for Failure to Diagnose?


Video Transcript

0:00 Intro
0:17 Failure To Diagnose Meningitis
1:11 Damages For Failure To Diagnose

0:17 Failure To Diagnose Meningitis

Meningitis is an infectious disease. It’s normally picked up in kids that present with mental status changes or lethargy fever, sometimes a rigid neck, sometimes the patient may not want to move their neck for the pain that they’re having.

The key to really picking up meningitis early is a timely lumbar puncture, a spinal tap for lack of a better term. That spinal tap needs to be looked at in the laboratory by a qualified pathologist. The treating physician then has to properly interpret what he or she is reported by the pathologist, and the baby then has to go on appropriate antibiotic therapy to hopefully do well with meningitis. But it is a devastating illness if not timely treated because it’s another problem that impacts an individual for the entirety of their life.

1:11 Damages For Failure To Diagnose

As a result, the damages in those cases is enormous. You frequently do have to get a life care planner involved to get any kind of a handle on what the damages truly are. So again, timely pickup is very important and the delay can mean the difference in life and death, and particularly a difference in quality of life for that individual.

Proving that a failure to treat was the result of medical malpractice can be extremely difficult. There is a difference between a bad outcome and medical negligence. It must be proven that the doctor and other medical professionals failed to adhere to the proper standard of care in their evaluation and treatment of the patient. This requires extensive experience and an in-depth understanding of both the law and the complex medical issues involved in these types of cases.

At LawMD, many of our failure to treat attorneys are also licensed physicians who use their rich background of knowledge to help victims of medical malpractice fight for the compensation they deserve after a medical error. If you or a loved one has suffered because of a doctor’s failure to treat a disease, illness, or medical condition, LawMD’s lawyers stand ready to help.

LawMD is the right medicine for justice.