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Anoxic Brain Injury

Anoxic Brain Injury

Nationwide Anoxic Brain Injury Attorneys

Finding out your baby has suffered a brain injury is one of the most devastating things a new parent can hear. All those months of planning and anticipation fall by the wayside. Suddenly, the only thing you’re worried about is whether your baby will survive and, if he or she survives, what kind of life you can expect for your child.

Brain injuries that occur during childbirth are usually the result of mismanagement of labor, a failure to perform an emergency C-section, or other doctors’ mistakes. In some cases, a brain injury is so serious, it renders a child permanently disabled. In the most tragic cases, a newborn baby lives just a few days or weeks after birth. It’s an outcome no parent should ever experience.

At LawMD, we have spent our entire careers helping grieving parents get answers. These are incredibly emotional cases that require the skill and support of a compassionate legal team. Our anoxic brain injuries lawyers are recognized by past clients, judges, and peers as a leader in birth injury litigation. If you are reeling from the shock of learning your baby has suffered an anoxic brain injury, we can help.

Contact us online or by phone for a free consultation with nationwide Anoxic Brain Injury lawyers.

Anoxia & Hypoxia during Childbirth

Anoxia and related conditions can happen for a variety of reasons. Generally speaking, anoxia refers to anything that causes an interruption in the flow of oxygen to the unborn baby. Because an unborn baby receives its oxygen through the umbilical cord, many anoxic injuries occur due to damage or trauma to the cord. In some cases, babies can also sustain anoxic injuries when the mother’s oxygen supply is reduced or stopped completely.

Hypoxia refers to low oxygen flow, and it can be just as damaging as anoxia. Hypoxia can also occur when a baby is born severely preterm, as the baby’s lungs are the last thing to develop before birth.

A baby can also suffer anoxia and hypoxia after delivery, especially in cases where the baby has an existing medical condition that requires constant monitoring. When doctors, nurses, and other medical staff fail to notice signs of distress or low oxygen saturation in newborns, a devastating brain injury can occur in mere minutes.

When Negligence Leads to Infant Brain Injuries

Anoxia and hypoxia are sometimes unavoidable accidents, however, they can also be caused by a doctor’s mistake. In some cases, the baby’s umbilical cord gets compressed during a breech delivery or a vaginal delivery that should have been a cesarean section. In other cases, the cord prolapses, which means it exits the birth canal before the baby, causing the flow of oxygen to be cut off.

Doctors who confront these cases must move swiftly to deliver the baby via emergency C-section. The faster they can get the baby out, the less likelihood of anoxia or hypoxia. Generally, obstetricians refer to this fast decision-making process as “decision to incision,” and they aim for a safe delivery within 30 minutes of discovering a life-threatening problem.

LawMD Can Help

Childbirth is supposed to be the start of a beautiful beginning. For families who have been devastated by a brain injury diagnosis or who have lost a child due to a doctor’s negligence during labor or delivery, no amount of money can replace what they have lost. However, financial compensation can help parents give their child the resources and support needed to help them realize their full potential.

LawMD is committed to helping families get full and fair compensation in birth injury cases. Call us today to speak to brain injury lawyers about your case. You can also reach us through email or our online contact form.


Why you may benefit from a doctor in your courtroom


Most of our physician-attorneys are either current or past treating doctors in, collectively, a wide range of medical specialties. There is a good chance one or more of our physician attorneys have actually treated medical conditions similar to the ones from which you or your loved one now suffers. That translates into care and understanding as your Counselors, and know-how as your Advocates.


Any honest medical malpractice attorney will tell you that one of the greatest expenses in a medical malpractice case is having to pay physician experts to study the details of the medical issues in your case and, if necessary, provide testimony at deposition and trial. While even our physician attorneys may also need to hire outside medical experts for your case, our medical know-how allows us to perform a significant amount of the medical analysis necessary for your case in-house which may translate into significant savings at the conclusion of your case.


Because we have in-house medical know-how, we can evaluate the medical questions in your case and provide answers without a lengthy wait. Our internal process involves getting the issues in your case quickly in front of the right physician attorney who, based on his or her medical experience and training, is most likely to have the answers you seek about whether you have a case and how we might help you get the compensation you deserve to help secure a brighter future for you and for your loved ones.

Get a free consultation today

Why you may benefit from a doctor in your courtroom. We understand your injuries, because we’ve likely treated them.

Most of our physician-attorneys are either current or past treating doctors in, collectively, a wide range of medical specialties. There is a good chance one or more of our physician attorneys have actually treated medical conditions similar to the ones from which you or your loved one now suffers. That translates into care and understanding as your Counselors, and know-how as your Advocates.

Time and cost-savings for your case.

Any honest medical malpractice attorney will tell you that one of the greatest expenses in a medical malpractice case is having to pay physician experts to study the details of the medical issues in your case and, if necessary, provide testimony at deposition and trial. While even our physician attorneys may also need to hire outside medical experts for your case, our medical know-how allows us to perform a significant amount of the medical analysis necessary for your case in-house which may translate into significant savings at the conclusion of your case.

Rapid Response with solid answers to your serious questions regarding your case.

Because we have in-house medical know-how, we can evaluate the medical questions in your case and provide answers without a lengthy wait. Our internal process involves getting the issues in your case quickly in front of the right physician attorney who, based on his or her medical experience and training, is most likely to have the answers you seek about whether you have a case and how we might help you get the compensation you deserve to help secure a brighter future for you and for your loved ones.

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