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Labor and delivery Injuries

Labor and delivery Injury Attorneys

Experienced Birth Injury Attorneys Serving Clients across the U.S.

If you believe that your child has sustained a serious birth injury, you may be eligible to file a medical malpractice lawsuit against the doctor who delivered your child or another responsible party. Negligence must have contributed directly to the birth injury in order to file a claim in Maryland.

Contact us online or by phone for a free consultation with nationwide Labor and delivery Injuries lawyers.

What to Do After a Labor or Delivery Injury

Unfortunately, labor and delivery mistakes are all too common, and they can compromise your child’s well-being and health for the rest of his or her life. Such mistakes can also add undue stress and financial complications for parents who struggle to cope with helping their child with extensive medical needs.

Some of the most common labor and delivery injuries include:

  • Improper vacuum use:

A vacuum may be used in labor and delivery process when a mother is struggling to expel the fetus out of the birth canal. Unfortunately, if the vacuum attaches to the baby’s skull or shoulder improperly, severe injuries (affecting both the infant and the mother) can result.

  • Improper use of forceps:

When a mother is struggling to deliver the child or if the newborn is improperly placed in the womb, the attending physician might use forceps in order to assist the labor and delivery process. When forceps are used properly, this helps to minimize the child’s risk of fetal distress and oxygen deprivation. These conditions may contribute to severe birth injuries, like cerebral palsy. If the forceps are improperly used, however, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice claim.

  • Failing to properly use the labor inducing drug, Pitocin:

If given in an improper dose or at the improper time, Pitocin can lead to serious injuries for mother and child alike.

  • Hypoxia:

Hypoxia is a condition that occurs when a child’s brain is unable to receive adequate amounts of oxygen. This can be caused by an infection, damage to the placenta, or a tangled umbilical cord. Medical practitioners should always be aware of the symptoms of potential hypoxia in advance to take steps to reduce the impact or to eliminate it altogether.

  • Delay in ordering a caesarean section:

Emergency C-sections may be ordered by the physician if it is clear that the child is indicating fetal distress. If the labor and delivery team fails to recognize any of the conditions that warrant an emergency C-section, they may be held liable if this leads to injuries for the mother or the child.

As a new parent, it is overwhelming to consider how a child’s life has been forever changed by a doctor’s negligence. Taking legal action may be the only way to recover compensation.

Speak to Our Qualified Attorneys Today

Birth injuries can be caused by many different factors, which is why it is imperative to work with our experienced Baltimore labor and delivery injury attorneys if you intend to file a birth injury claim. Do not hesitate to reach out to LawMD as soon as possible to protect the rights of your child now and well into the future.

Close-up of the psychiatrist's hand holding the patient's hand. To encourage and comfort the patient.

Why you may benefit from a doctor in your courtroom


Most of our physician-attorneys are either current or past treating doctors in, collectively, a wide range of medical specialties. There is a good chance one or more of our physician attorneys have actually treated medical conditions similar to the ones from which you or your loved one now suffers. That translates into care and understanding as your Counselors, and know-how as your Advocates.


Any honest medical malpractice attorney will tell you that one of the greatest expenses in a medical malpractice case is having to pay physician experts to study the details of the medical issues in your case and, if necessary, provide testimony at deposition and trial. While even our physician attorneys may also need to hire outside medical experts for your case, our medical know-how allows us to perform a significant amount of the medical analysis necessary for your case in-house which may translate into significant savings at the conclusion of your case.


Because we have in-house medical know-how, we can evaluate the medical questions in your case and provide answers without a lengthy wait. Our internal process involves getting the issues in your case quickly in front of the right physician attorney who, based on his or her medical experience and training, is most likely to have the answers you seek about whether you have a case and how we might help you get the compensation you deserve to help secure a brighter future for you and for your loved ones.

Get a free consultation today

Why you may benefit from a doctor in your courtroom. We understand your injuries, because we’ve likely treated them.

Most of our physician-attorneys are either current or past treating doctors in, collectively, a wide range of medical specialties. There is a good chance one or more of our physician attorneys have actually treated medical conditions similar to the ones from which you or your loved one now suffers. That translates into care and understanding as your Counselors, and know-how as your Advocates.

Time and cost-savings for your case.

Any honest medical malpractice attorney will tell you that one of the greatest expenses in a medical malpractice case is having to pay physician experts to study the details of the medical issues in your case and, if necessary, provide testimony at deposition and trial. While even our physician attorneys may also need to hire outside medical experts for your case, our medical know-how allows us to perform a significant amount of the medical analysis necessary for your case in-house which may translate into significant savings at the conclusion of your case.

Rapid Response with solid answers to your serious questions regarding your case.

Because we have in-house medical know-how, we can evaluate the medical questions in your case and provide answers without a lengthy wait. Our internal process involves getting the issues in your case quickly in front of the right physician attorney who, based on his or her medical experience and training, is most likely to have the answers you seek about whether you have a case and how we might help you get the compensation you deserve to help secure a brighter future for you and for your loved ones.

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