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At LawMD, over ten of our medical malpractice lawyers are also doctors.

As doctors, we understand the medicine in your case. As lawyers, we know how to use our medical knowledge to get justice for our clients

Failure to treat a patient is one of the many ways that doctors’ can breach their duty of care. Failure to treat the patient’s medical condition can lead to devastating injuries, disabilities, and even death. This failure to treat can occur in many ways including:

  • Failure to treat a patient as soon as possible.
  • Failure to review a patient’s medical history.
  • Wrongful discharge of a patient in need of medical care.
  • Failure to admit a patient in need of emergency care.
  • Failure to treat a patient because of lack of insurance.
  • Failure to assess and monitor a patient’s medical condition.
  • Nursing negligence, a nurse failing to carry out a doctor’s orders.
  • Failure to order or perform necessary medical tests and evaluations.
  • Failure to refer a patient to the required specialist when necessary.
  • Failure to inform a patient about available treatments for the medical conditions.
  • Failure to adhere to accepted standards of care.

Before any medical condition can be properly treated, it must first be identified. In many instances, the doctor or hospital staff reach a diagnosis in haste, and the true condition is not properly identified, resulting in the incorrect treatment being prescribed or delivered.

Establishing a doctor’s negligent failure to treat is not enough. It is also necessary to establish that an injury or adverse condition resulted from the failure and to establish the extent of harm.

Failure to treat a condition in a timely manner can subject a patient to many new health complications. In fact, just a few moments of delay in treatment can make a difference between life and death. Even in cases when failure to treat does not result in permanent injury or death to a patient, it could cause the patient to suffer life-altering pecuniary losses.


For example, failure to treat a patient can prolong the patient’s stay in a hospital or require the patient to undergo costly surgical procedures that require months or years of recuperation and rehabilitation. Such situations can also result in income losses that destroy the patient’s ability to provide for his or her family.



There are certain specific time limits, restrictions, and rules for filing medical malpractice lawsuits.

Statutes of limitations set the period of time within which a victim of medical malpractice must file a lawsuit. Statute of limitations generally range between one and three years from the date of the negligent event, but each state jurisdiction has its own statute of limitations and it is extremely important to know what the statute of limitations is for your case in the jurisdiction applicable to your case.

The Statute of limitations in a failure to treat malpractice claim can be tricky sometimes to determine precisely, therefore it is critical that you contact a knowledgeable failure to treat lawyer as soon as possible to make sure you don’t lose your case to the Statute because you simply ran out of time to file your lawsuit.



Our LawMD team of physician-attorneys fight to help our clients obtain maximum compensation for their failure to treat malpractice cases.

Our attorneys help victims recover compensatory damages mentioned below.


  • Medical bills.
  • Lost wages.
  • Lost earning capacity.
  • Estimated future medical expenses.
  • Out of pocket expenditure.


  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Our physician lawyers are relentless in their pursuit of securing maximum compensation through verdicts and settlements for victims of medical malpractices all across the country.



LawMD has assembled a team of physician attorneys who examine, prepare and present complicated and complex medical evidence. Their extensive experience and knowledge have been instrumental in achieving unparalleled success by winning claims worth millions of dollars all across the country.

LawMD seeks the opinion of medical experts of the highest quality and training, many of whom are our own in house team of Doctor Lawyers. The testimony of medical expert witnesses establishes what the appropriate course of treatment should have been under the circumstances, and also explains how the physician’s conduct fell short of that standard. Our team of medical malpractice lawyers will roll up their sleeves, and

  • Conduct a thorough investigation of the case
  • Consult our in house team of medical and legal experts
  • Identify all potentially liable parties
  • Determine the value of the claim
  • Coordinate and communicate with legal representatives of the defendants
  • At the client’s direction, work to secure an offer for a fair settlement on our client’s behalf
  • Take the case to trial if required



If you didn’t get the medical treatment you needed, get the legal help you deserve. Talk to our Attorney Physicians if you have suffered as a result of a healthcare provider’s failure to treat. We have decades of experience and understanding of medicine and the law to deliver towards the success of your case.