Medical Malpractice Cases Involving A Rupture Of The Uterus
Watch the video below to learn more about medical malpractice cases involving a rupture of the uterus.
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The Consequences Of Medical Malpractice
What Is The Difference Between Medical Malpractice And Medical Negligence?
Video Transcript
We’re talking about uterine rupture, where a woman is pregnant, and the uterus separates during labor. When the uterus starts contracting to expel the baby through the vagina, the uterus bursts.
It happens, and what are the situations where that is something you need to look out for? This typically occurs when women opt to attempt to do a vaginal delivery rather than a C-section when they’ve had a C-section before, and it makes a lot of sense if you think about it. If a woman has had a cesarean section before, that means that their uterus has been cut into before and has healed.
Well, along that scar line in the uterus, there is scar tissue, and if you think about it when the uterus is about to, is contracting during labor, that may put an inordinate amount of pressure on that scarring area where the previous C-section occurred, and that area may be more susceptible to pop open and obviously in other regions of the uterus that have not been cut into previously.
So it happens. It’s a catastrophic situation. Think about it, the babies and the warmth of the womb, and all of a sudden, the baby is dumped out into the mother’s belly and has to fend for themselves.
It is a catastrophic emergency, and the only treatment is the baby has to be delivered ASAP via an emergent C-section, slap on the Betadine, cut the woman, and get the baby out. If there’s any delay in that, then the baby could suffer profound brain damage or even death.
If this has happened to you or anybody that you’ve loved, if you all have, you know, that there’s been a ruptured uterus that resulted in catastrophe to a baby, give us a call. We have the requisite experience, knowledge, and understanding to see whether or not that person is in fact, a victim of negligence.
Again, just because it happens doesn’t mean that there’s negligence, but I can tell you if it does happen, then I want to see what the strips are showing, you know. When I say the strips, you know, they’re the strips that are put on the mother and the baby to see how well the baby is doing, how healthy the baby is. If those strips were abnormal and nobody responded appropriately to them, then you may have the case that there may be negligence. Or, for that matter, if the medicine that was given to the mother to promote contraction of the uterus, something called Pitocin, that was given too aggressively, too quickly such that it really, really challenged the uterus that had already had the scar tissue on it too much, those are good cases also.
So again, think about what the doctors told you, and even if you don’t know, that’s why we’re here. Call us, and we’ll tell you. We’ll give you some answers, irrespective of whether or not there’s a case or not.
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Many families who file a civil malpractice suit for medical malpractice require a life plan to cover the economic loss they will suffer over the lifetime of the child.
A birth injury could have caused the baby or mother to become incapacitated. Is the doctor reluctant to disclose the cause of your injuries, such as a ruptured uterus or confusion?
Medical Malpractice Cases Involving A Rupture Of The Uterus: How To Have A Healthy Baby
Every woman who is pregnant hopes for a simple pregnancy, followed by safe labor and delivery to ensure the baby is healthy.
There are some problems that can occur, particularly in vaginal births after cesarean (VBAC), delivery. Many women also experience an unanticipated uterine tear, which could be due to medical negligence.
Many families filed a uterine leak malpractice case against the hospital and medical team when something was wrong during pregnancy.
Uterine rupture is a serious threat to both the baby and the mother’s health during labor and delivery. This condition is more common in women who have had previous cesareans or have had uterine surgery that left the uterus scarred or unscarred.
Sometimes, the uterine rupture is caused by the myometrial wall or uterus tearing and the contents spilling out into the perinatal cavity.
Medical Malpractice Cases Involving A Rupture Of The Uterus: For Cases Of Uterine Rupture, You Can File A Medical Malpractice Claim
Our law firm represents victims of medical malpractice, deficient medical devices ( product negligence), as well as other types of professional negligence. Our law office immediately takes action for our clients to ensure that they receive full compensation. We also build cases based on medical expert testimony and evidence. Many of our lawyers are also physicians so we not only know the law, but we know the medicine.
Our birth injury physician attorneys have successfully represented clients who suffered a ruptured uterus due to the negligence of others.
A birth injury doctor lawyer can help you with any questions regarding how to get the financial compensation you are entitled to if your injuries were caused by a mistake made by a doctor.
Medical malpractice victims are entitled to economic and non-economic damages. This includes payment for medical expenses, future lost earnings, and pain and suffering.
Our birth injury lawyers are available to answer any questions you may have about compensation for your uterine rupture.
Medical Malpractice Cases Involving A Rupture Of The Uterus: Definition Of A Uterine Relapse
This life-threatening, rare and severe ruptured uterus complication occurs when the uterus contents, including the fetus, spill into the woman’s broad ligament (mesothelial cells sheet) or peritoneal cavity.
A mere 1% of pregnant women experience a complete rupture of the uterus, which could pose grave risks to the mother and baby’s health. The doctor will usually discuss the baby’s health and perform an emergency Cesarean section.
If an emergency surgery takes more than 40 minutes, the child may die from asphyxiation (lack of oxygen). This is usually caused by severe bleeding in her womb.
To minimize the risk of uterine leakage in future pregnancies, doctors perform most uterine-rupture C-sections in hospitals with a low transverse (horizontal incision).
Medical Malpractice Cases Involving A Rupture Of The Uterus: What Causes A Uterine Rupture?
Vaginal births can be caused by uterine tears due to pressure buildup during labor.
Uterine rupture is more common in pregnant women who have had a previous cesarean birth.
Oxytocin use increased the risk of unscarred uterine leakage in 40% of cases.
Medical Malpractice Cases Involving A Rupture Of The Uterus: Warning Signs Of Uterine Rupture
Uterine rupture can be a serious problem.
- Vaginal bleeding excessive
- A prior cesarean birth without a trial of labor
- Previo vaginal delivery and subsequent uterine rupture
- Abnormal Fetal Heart Rate
- Tenderness or pain in the abdomen
- A lump in the abdominal cavity where the placenta or body of the fetus strikes the uterus
- Rapid maternal heart rate
- Abnormal previous cesarean section incision
- Low blood pressure in the mother
- Maternal hemorrhage of the Uterine Wall
- Maternal blood loss, including excessive vaginal bleeding, is severe
- Bladder injuries in the mother
- Multiple cesarean deliveries (more than one previous cesarean delivery)
- Too much amniotic fluid can cause a distended uterus.
- Maternal anemia is a deficiency in red blood cells.
- Obstructed work
- Fetal hypoxia, anoxia (Oxygen deprivation due to diminished blood supply)
- Due to the loss of muscle tone, the uterus causes the fetus to recede during delivery
- Notable bulging below the mother’s pubic bones
- Between uterine contractions, intense pain, and severe discomfort
- During delivery, the baby’s head recedes
- Unscarred uterus spontaneously ruptures
- AN post myomectomy gravid-uterus uterus ruptures spontaneously
- Too much amniotic fluid from multiple fetuses
- Abnormal soreness or intense abdominal pain
- The shock-stricken pregnant woman goes into shock
- A uterine scar from an older pregnancy causes intense, sudden aches
- Contractions are slower and less intense
- Tone deficient in the uterine muscles
- Uterine anomalies include fibroids
- Severe blood loss
- The fetal shock that internal hemorrhaging causes
- Hysterectomy-related injuries
- Uterine ruptures can occur in the uterine walls, leading to infant hypoxia or anoxia.
- Acidosis is an excessive acid buildup in a baby’s tissues and body fluids.
- Fetal death is usually caused by hemorrhage or anoxic brain injury.
- Excessive bleeding is often the cause of maternal complications and death.
A baby who survives a uterine rupture in the mother’s uterus can experience developmental delays or have congenital disabilities such as cerebral palsy. This is caused by a deficiency of oxygen during birth. When oxygen deprivation (or birth asphyxia) is suspected, medical professionals may need to perform resuscitation.
Multiple fetuses can increase the risk of uterine ruptures during vaginal birth attempts.
Uterine Rupture Risk Factors
There are certain risk factors that increase the likelihood of a uterine rupture. The following factors increase the risk of uterine leakage:
- A C-section performed earlier to remove fibroid tumors from the mother’s uterus.
- Grand multiparity is when women have had five or more children.
- Long labor and delivery that involves a greater number of children than the average child
- A uterine injury that occurred earlier, such as a stabbing, car accident, or gunshot wound.
- Uncontrolled Pitocin and OxyContin use can cause muscle contractions or too many of them.
- Multiple babies in a pregnancy that has excessive amniotic fluid causing a distended uterus
- Obesity in the mother
- Myomectomy scars and metroplasty scars for women with uterus fibroids removed
- Mothers who have experienced uterine trauma, such as a forceps-related problem delivery, may be pregnant.
- For gynecological and reproductive medical problems, a gynecological procedure can be performed earlier in the uterine.
- Women who have uterine perforation scars from a transcervical procedure or uterine procedure are at greater risk
- Scars on women who have had a previous repair of a uterine rupture are common.
- Women who have hysterectomy scars after a C-section where the newborn’s shoulders were caught on their pelvis (shoulder dystocia),
- Malpresentation is when the baby is not in the normal head-first position and is not passing through the birth canal. This is also known as breech delivery or shoulder, face, or brow presentation.
- CPD ( Cephalopelvic Disproportion) is when the mother’s pelvis does not allow for the delivery of a baby that cannot pass through the maternal birth channel.
- Placental Abruption is when the uterus and placenta separate. This can cause blood loss to the baby that could completely or partially stop their circulation.
- A macrostomia that affects newborns who are significantly larger than the average
- Difficult labor (labor Dystocia) is a condition that occurs near the end.
- History of fetal distress, which is the inability to physically bear labor and delivery
- Excessive vaginal bleeding during normal labor
- Infertility complications can be caused by the delayed diagnosis of intrapartum rupture.
- The loss of the fetal station
- Intrauterine pressure catheters can cause complications such as uterine rupture, amnionitis, and fetal vessel injury.
- Cocaine consumption
- Vaginal birth following cesarean (VBAC).
The risk of having a vaginal birth is significantly lower than that of a scheduled cesarean. Research shows that most uterine leaks are caused by pregnant women.
Prostaglandins are not recommended for use by family physicians to induce labor. This is due to the risk of uterine rupture. After a C-section, a trial of labor can be done to reduce the likelihood of having another cesarean delivery.
Diagnosis Of A Uterine Departure During A Vaginal Delivery
Because many symptoms and indicators of a ruptured uterus are not specific, doctors often have difficulty diagnosing it. The doctor can still perform monitoring and tests to detect fetal distress.
A baby can usually be diagnosed during surgery if it is performed in an emergency cesarean section. Sometimes, however, uterine rupture can occur during vaginal birth. In these cases, medical staff must quickly perform an emergency cesarean section.
The doctors will monitor the mother and baby’s health if the mother’s uterine ruptures during delivery (obstetric hemorrhage). Mothers who are unable to control bleeding or have a baby in distress may need an emergency C-section. This will avoid serious consequences.
If the bleeding continues to be severe after a successful vaginal birth, the mother may need a hysterectomy to stop it.
Preventing Uterine Ruptures
To avoid uterine leakage, the only preventative option is to have a cesarean birth. Women who had a vaginal delivery after uterine rupture may have other options.
The physician should still take a complete medical and family history, which will include documentation of any previous cesarean deliveries or other surgeries on the mother’s uterus.
Do I Have A Valid Uterine Rupture Lawsuit?
You might have medical records that prove your doctor was negligent in causing a partial or complete rupture of the uterus. Medical negligence could have caused a birth injury or the death of the mother or child.
These cases may be grounds for a valid claim for compensation due to uterine rupture.
The evidence may not be apparent, making it more difficult to file a claim. Many families hire a personal injury lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice cases.
A physician-attorney will review your claim for uterine rupture and offer you many legal options. For a complimentary consultation, contact our law firm and speak to a physician-attorney today.