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LawMD handles all types of medical malpractice and negligence cases.

Those include birth injuries/maternal complications, emergency room errors, surgical errors and postoperative negligence, hospital-acquired infections, medication errors, anesthesia errors, defective medical devices, failure to diagnose/misdiagnosis, failure to provide timely and appropriate medical care, and more. Our medical malpractice and serious-injury lawyers represent clients in cases addressing issues that span across nearly all medical specialties. Though our central office is located in the nation’s capital, our physician-attorneys serve clients across the United States.

Your Trusted Partner, Representation You Deserve

Additional Practice Areas

The body is an amazing and highly efficient machine that lets you know when you are sick. Few things are as frustrating as being repeatedly turned away from getting the care you need or being told you are imagining symptoms. You know your body better than any doctor…

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Are you the victim of a doctor’s mistake? You have probably heard the phrase “standard of care,” but do you really know what it means? In medical malpractice cases, much of the claim revolves around determining the proper standard of care, as well as whether the doctor or hospital…

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Physicians and other health care professionals are trained to detect a variety of health conditions, both minor and major. Correctly diagnosing a health problem is incredibly important, as many minor health issues can rapidly develop into serious and life-threatening issues when…

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The right medication can make a huge difference for people who are living with a health condition. As beneficial as medication can be, there are risks to usage as well. Side effects and pharmaceutical defects are some examples.

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Hospital-acquired infections are often described by the media as “terrifying” and “widespread.” Both of these descriptions are accurate. In fact, hospital-acquired infections cause approximately 75,000 deaths every single year. Each day, about 1 in 25 hospitalized patients…

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Anesthesia has unquestionably revolutionized medicine. Surgeries performed in modern hospitals today would not have been possible just a century ago. The ability to gently and safely render a patient unconscious and unaware of pain is something doctors in past…

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Although most surgeries are quite safe, most people are understandably apprehensive about undergoing a surgical procedure. It’s normal to feel anxious about putting your life in the hands of a surgical team.

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Most people associate childbirth complications with the baby. However, mothers are also at risk of suffering a serious or life-threatening injury at any point during pregnancy and childbirth. In some cases, high-risk patients experience complications that simply aren’t avoidable

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The birth of your baby should have been a joyous occasion. If you experienced a difficult labor or delivery, however, you’re likely dealing with a growing number of concerns and fears. If you’ve learned that your baby suffered from hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation, you’re probably…

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At LawMD, we help parents whose babies have experienced neonatal birth injuries. Our Nationwide birth injury law team includes trial lawyers, doctors…

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If you believe that your child has sustained a serious birth injury, you may be eligible to file a medical malpractice lawsuit against the doctor who delivered your child or another responsible party. Negligence must have contributed directly to the birth injury in order to file a claim in Maryland.

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There are about four million births in the United States every year, and over 30 percent of these are cesarean sections. According to the World Health Organization, there is no empirical evidence to support an improvement in overall maternal and fetal outcomes once a country’s C-section rate exceeds 15 percent.

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Prior to delivery, it is essential that the fetus be in the standard vertex presentation (head-first) in order to ensure a safe delivery. This helps protect both the mother and the infant during the labor process. If the baby’s position or size is abnormal, doctor intervention is usually required.

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Finding out your baby has suffered a brain injury is one of the most devastating things a new parent can hear. All those months of planning and anticipation fall by the wayside. Suddenly, the only thing you’re worried about is whether your baby will survive and, if he or she survives, what kind of life you can expect for your child.

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Cerebral palsy refers to a group of non-progressive motor conditions that can lead to physical disability in terms of body movement and development. When the motor control centers of an infant’s brain are damaged during pregnancy, during childbirth, or after the baby is born, it can result in cerebral palsy.

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Ventilators are often used when a patient is under sedation, unable to breathe on their own, or when under general anesthesia during surgery. It’s a common medical routine to aide a patient in breathing, however, it can sometimes result in complications.

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If you believe that your child suffered Erb’s palsy injuries during the labor and delivery process, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice claim. Damage to nerves during the labor and delivery process can seriously complicate your child’s medical condition. Your child deserves a chance at a normal, healthy life. Our firm can help.

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Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, or HIE, occurs when an infant’s oxygen supply is cut off and/or blood flow is limited during delivery, resulting in brain damage. HIE, also known as birth asphyxia, is not always noticeable right away; as brain cells begin to die, a chain reaction occurs, leading to additional cells dying over a period of a few hours or days.

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Cosmetic surgery has come a long way since the very first modern plastic surgery procedures performed in the 1960s. Although cosmetic surgery’s origins are much deeper than that, most people associate cosmetic procedures with face lifts, tummy tucks, and other so-called “vanity” procedures.

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Vaginal births comprise almost 70% of the births in the United States annually. Although most vaginal childbirth occurs without incident, at times, vaginal delivery becomes an operative procedure with the use of a vacuum extractor or forceps

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Childbirth is an exciting but stressful experience, both for mothers and their loved ones. When the mother is injured or dies during childbirth, the other parent and the surviving family members are left to grapple with an unfathomable burden.

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The term “neonatal” refers to the first month of a newborn’s life. During this time, a newborn baby is technically referred to as a “neonate.” This period is critical for many reasons.

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Unfortunately, medication mistakes made during the childbirth process can compromise the safety and health of the mother, as well as the child.

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If you believe that you or your child have sustained devastating injuries as a result of a physician who induced labor improperly, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice claim.

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During the birthing process, the newborn may inhale meconium, a sterile fecal matter, causing meconium aspiration syndrome, or MAS. While MAS can be benign when treated immediately and correctly, it can cause significant respiratory illness if untreated.

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