Surgical Error Attorneys
Fighting for Victims of Surgical Mistakes Across the U.S.
Like any doctor, surgeons have a legal duty to perform in accordance with the proper standard of care. This means they must use their training, skills, and knowledge in a way that is consistent with accepted standards of practice in their particular field.
When a surgeon operates on a patient, they must handle the procedure in a reasonable, professional way. Surgeons also have an obligation to follow up with patients to ensure that they do not experience complications following the surgery. Complications are a possibility with any type of surgery. Patients are counseled about their risks prior to any procedure. However, surgeons who cause injury due to incompetence or failure to adhere to the appropriate standard of care should be held accountable for the injuries they cause.
If you or a loved one is suffering because of wrong-site surgery, lack of communication in the operating room, surgical site infection, or any other medical error, please don’t hesitate to call our legal team. We have spent decades helping patients recover following medical errors, including recovering compensation for damages caused by negligent medical professionals. Contact us online or by phone for a free consultation with nationwide surgical error lawyers.
Why Do Surgical Mistakes Happen?
Surgical mistakes can occur during any surgical procedure, whether you have a triple bypass or a tonsillectomy. They also happen in a variety of settings, from in-office procedures and urgent care centers to emergency rooms and operating suites. Surgical mistakes occur in a range of circumstances; however, some situations tend to happen with more frequency than others.
Some common causes of surgical errors include:
- Inexperience: Most people are taught from an early age to trust doctors. Physicians are revered for their knowledge, education, and commitment to helping people. However, they are still human, and no doctor is an expert at every procedure. A doctor’s inexperience can lead to mistakes, especially when a doctor is determined to try a new technique or procedure despite lacking the skill or training hours to perform it properly.
- Improper preoperative procedures: Surgeries are meticulously planned events—and for good reason. Even a tiny mistake, such as a missed allergy or failure to check for drug interactions, can be disastrous. When doctors and their teams fail to observe the proper protocol, they can make serious missteps.
- Miscommunication: Communication is vital in any medical setting, whether you’re in a doctor’s office or an operating room. The medical professionals on duty must operate as a team. When communication errors happen, patients can be seriously injured. Depending on the type of surgery being performed, the average patient may deal with a dozen or more medical professionals, with each one making notes or recording information in the patient’s chart. A single mistake during charting or patient care can be devastating.
- Doctor fatigue: Many doctors work long hours. Depending on their area of practice, they may be called in during late nights or early mornings to perform emergency procedures. A lack of sleep can throw anyone off their game. When surgeons function on too little rest, they can make catastrophic errors.
- Substance abuse: Being a doctor is a demanding and stressful job. Sadly, some doctors turn to drugs or alcohol to relieve the strain. The problem is that substance abuse impairs a person’s judgment, motor skills, reaction time, and ability to reason. Researchers at the University of Washington published a report stating that 15 percent of surgeons have an alcohol problem. The report also found that surgeons who admitted to abusing alcohol were 45 percent more likely to admit to making a major medical mistake within the past three months.
- Distractions: Doctors are human beings, and they deal with the same relationship problems, work conflicts, and personal issues as anyone else. In some cases, problems at home or work can spill over into their professional life—with patients paying the price.
What Are Some Examples of Common Surgical Mistakes?
No surgery is entirely risk-free. Even a reasonably routine procedure can quickly deteriorate into a life-threatening situation. Surgeons, operating room nurses, and anesthesiologists are trained to handle these cases. These health professionals are also trained to treat patients with professionalism and skill. Surgery is a demanding field of medicine, and for good reason. Surgeons literally have patients’ lives in their hands, and when they make mistakes, people can die.
At LawMD, we handle a wide range of surgical malpractice cases, including:
- Surgery on the wrong part of the body, also known as “wrong site surgery”
- Surgery performed on the wrong patient
- A surgical instrument, sponge, or other foreign material left in the body
- Blood typing mistakes during surgery
- Anesthesia errors
- Improper use of laparoscopic or robotic surgery
- Obstetric errors and surgical birth injuries
- Surgical site infections
- Surgical instruments left in the patient’s body
Surgical errors can be devastating for patients and their families. In some cases, a surgeon’s mistake leads to a cascade of problems that cause a patient to suffer unnecessary interventions, distress, and emotional harm.
For example, a surgeon’s failure to control bleeding can result in a life-threatening condition called disseminated intravascular coagulation, in which small blood clots develop in a patient’s bloodstream, blocking blood vessels. In other cases, a surgeon mismanages a patient’s case, leading to a life-changing result. For example, a surgeon’s failure to control bleeding after a C-section could result in a hysterectomy, rendering an otherwise healthy woman unable to have more children. Surgeons have also left instruments, sponges, and other materials inside a patient’s body, creating months and sometimes even years of health problems.
Surgical patients shouldn’t suffer needlessly following these and other common medical errors. Victims can be reimbursed for medical expenses, lost time at work, and emotional distress. Contact a trusted personal injury law firm like LawMD for help proving liability and collecting the compensation you deserve.
How Can Victims of Surgical Errors Prove Medical Negligence?
If you have a potential malpractice claim, you are probably wondering how to prove that the doctor is responsible for the damages caused by your botched surgical procedure. The good news is that medical procedures are usually well-documented, and surgeries happen with plenty of personnel to act as witnesses.
A few key steps can help you bring a successful malpractice claim, including:
- Keep track of medical records regarding the procedure and any follow-up care you received.
- Gather evidence of costs, including doctor’s bills, lost time at work, medical equipment, emergency transportation, and more.
- Document the interactions you’ve had with medical professionals.
- See a different doctor to get a second opinion.
- Contact surgical error medical malpractice lawyers for legal advice regarding your unique case.
- Respond quickly to your attorney’s request for documentation or clarification.
At LawMD, our highly trained professionals have spent decades treating patients medically. We apply this honed knowledge to our legal clients to hold negligent doctors accountable for communication failures, wrong-site surgeries, and even death. Reach out to our legal team today to learn how we can help you make a full recovery following your surgical error.
What Compensation Am I Entitled To For My Botched Surgery?
Medical negligence that leads to serious injury threatens patient safety and can even lead to death. If you or a loved one has a medical malpractice claim, you may wonder what compensation you are entitled to. Holding a doctor liable and collecting compensation is a critical part of making a full recovery, as it gives you peace of mind and helps cover costs related to the adverse events caused by the medical error.
Some items that are often covered in surgical malpractice claims include:
- Future medical care
- Doctors visits
- Hospital stays
- Emergency transportation, such as a life flight or ambulance ride
- Lost wages, including salaries, bonuses, and income-earning capacity
- Past and future pain and suffering
- Emotional and mental trauma
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Catastrophic injury
- Wrongful death
- Funeral and burial expenses
If your doctor performed the wrong procedure, including operating on the wrong body part, leaving a foreign object in the body, or making another human error that caused you or your family member an injury, please get the legal assistance you need to collect compensation. Doctors and surgical staff have the duty to protect patients from experiencing surgical errors that could harm them. Talk to our legal team today about bringing a legal claim for medical malpractice.
What Are the Effects of Mistakes During Plastic Surgery?
One medical error that can be incredibly damaging is when a surgeon makes a mistake during plastic surgery. While plastic surgery is generally less risky than other surgical procedures, errors during plastic surgery can lead to devastating results.
Some examples of injuries that commonly occur in the operating room for plastic surgery patients include:
- Chronic pain
- Asymmetry
- Paralysis
- Scarring
- Disfigurement
- Infection
- Blood clots
- Abscesses
- Necrosis
- Death
Medical malpractice cases relating to plastic surgery errors often involve serious injuries that cause permanent damage to innocent victims. When surgical errors happen, doctors should be held liable for the damage they’ve caused the injured patient. If you were offered substandard care and have experienced severe injuries during plastic surgery, contact our highly skilled lawyers immediately.
What Should I Do if I’m a Victim of Anesthesia Surgical Error?
Anesthesia mistakes can also result in disastrous consequences for patients. Anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists are responsible for overseeing the patient’s safety and pain management throughout the surgical procedure. When they administer the wrong medication or the wrong dosage, they can cause severe and fatal health complications, including brain damage, coma, and organ failure.
Patients can also suffer harm due to allergic reactions to anesthesia. When anesthesiologists fail to respond rapidly and effectively, patients can suffer anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal health condition. Our legal team has the experience and training necessary to recognize when a medical professional’s error has caused an injury. Reach out to us right away for the help you need to recover from medical errors made by anesthesiologists.
What Can Doctors Do to Prevent the Most Common Surgical Errors?
Surgical mistakes are usually preventable, making these errors frustrating and disheartening for the injured patient and their family members. Doctors owe their patients a high level of medical care, including communicating effectively during the operation and other safety procedures.
Some steps that can eliminate or prevent the most common medical errors include:
- Confirm the patient
- Confirm the surgical site of the intended operation
- Alert the patient to any medication that will be used during the surgery prior to beginning
- Name and number the instruments to be used during the surgical procedure
- Confirm that all instruments are accounted for before closing the wound
Most common surgical errors could be prevented by taking the time to follow the precautions advised in the healthcare system. On the other hand, poor communication or lack of attention to detail can lead to catastrophic surgical errors, including wrong site surgery, proceeding on the wrong patient, nerve damage, surgical fires, or leaving an instrument in the patient’s body.
If your doctor failed to perform a surgical safety checklist and caused an injury for you or a family member, you may be eligible for compensation for the medical negligence. We can help you bring a medical malpractice claim and recover damages for medical care, missed time at work, wrongful death, and more.
How Can I Hold Hospital Staff Liable for Negligent Care?
The hospital staff should prioritize patient safety. This involves taking action to minimize the risk of surgical errors, surgical fires, and other dangerous scenarios. Many common surgical errors can be prevented by taking simple steps to account for the necessary equipment and ensure the procedure is being performed on the right patient and in the right location. Failure to perform these steps could potentially lead to medical malpractice cases.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a surgical team that operated on the wrong location or did not supply adequate care during and after your surgery, you can seek justice by holding the negligent party accountable and getting the compensation you deserve.
One of the most important factors in holding hospital staff liable for medical malpractice is contacting a knowledgeable law team for help. Your lawyer can help you gather evidence of the injury and prove that a medical professional should have acted in a more reasonable way to prevent the damage.
What Are the Potential Long-Term Effects of Surgical Errors?
Adverse events during a surgical procedure can affect a person and their family for years to come. Some examples of permanent damages include:
- Blindness
- Loss of limb (amputation)
- Repeat surgeries
- Hearing loss
- Brain damage
- Memory loss
- Lengthy hospitalization
- Paralysis
- Lifelong rehabilitation
- Disability
- Inability to return to work
The road to recovery for injured patients is often long and expensive. You deserve help recovering both physically and financially from your injury. Contact LawMD for doctor-lawyers who will fight aggressively for your rights when surgical errors happen.
How Does the Statute of Limitations Affect a Medical Malpractice Case?
You have a narrow window of opportunity for filing a medical malpractice case for a surgical error because the law limits the amount of time you have to file a claim. These time limits are known as “statutes of limitation.” If you fail to file on time, your case could be barred forever. Legal matters can take months or even years to resolve, so please act right away to take action and hold negligent doctors accountable for medical negligence.
The statute of limitations in your area may differ from other states and locations. Our team of attorneys can help you recognize the window of opportunity in your unique case. Contact our medical malpractice attorneys as soon as you suspect you have been a victim of a surgical mistake. Your health is too important to leave to chance.
What Should I Do if I’m a Victim of a Medical Error?
Medical malpractice victims often feel unsure about how to proceed. It can be intimidating to fight against a doctor or hospital. However, please remember that you have legal rights that must be protected, especially when you’ve been harmed by a medical professional who should have helped instead of hurt you.
Malpractice claims involve proving the doctor or hospital staff failed to uphold their duty of care. This may include presenting evidence of negligence, such as records present during the surgery, and demonstrating the extent of your injuries. A patient may find it challenging to access such evidence, which is why hiring a personal injury attorney is so critical.
When you hire our team of lawyers, we will act quickly to gather evidence that displays the surgical malpractice that occurred. We will not rest until we’ve uncovered the truth about what happened during your medical procedure. We will also track the medical records and costs you’ve experienced to help you obtain compensation in full.
Why Do I Need a Lawyer for My Medical Malpractice Claim?
Going it alone is usually not advisable when it comes to making claims for botched surgical procedures. Victims are already undergoing a great deal of stress because of the loss of trust in the healthcare system. They also have a physical recovery to think about and must figure out how to pay medical bills while missing time at work.
With a lawyer on your side, you don’t have to worry about the legal nuances of your case. We will take over the battle for your rights to compensation so you can rest and recover. Please get in touch with LawMD immediately to get the peace of mind that comes with knowing talented doctors and lawyers are on your side. We promise to do everything in our power to help you make a full physical and financial recovery.
What Makes Your Surgical Error Attorneys Unique?
The lawyers at our law firm are unlike other legal professionals in that we have decades of experience treating patients for the very physical ailments our clients are experiencing. This knowledge and skill allow us to rapidly identify cases of medical malpractice and hold doctors and medical staff responsible for injuries they cause.
We are also dedicated to treating each client with the care and respect they deserve. This means you’ll receive consistent communication throughout the legal process. We will answer your questions and concerns in terms you can understand so you know what to expect at each step along the way. We understand the legal nuances of personal injury law and will fight tirelessly for your best interests.
Should You Hire Our Surgical Error Medical Attorneys?
When you or a beloved family member receives substandard medical care, the results can be devastating. You should understand that you did not deserve to be treated this way and that your rights have been violated by the negligent medical professionals.
Our legal team believes everyone deserves high-quality medical care. Our experience as doctors allows us to recognize when a patient’s rights have been violated and help us fight for injured victims. The team at LawMD includes doctor-lawyers with a wide range of experiences to help us assist clients with many different medical needs. We are available for cases involving birth injuries, spinal cord injuries, wrongful death, failure to diagnose, brain injuries, and more.
If you or your loved one was harmed during a surgical procedure or in similar circumstances, we can help. We know that no amount of money will undo the pain and suffering caused by negligent doctors. However, collecting compensation can give your family a feeling of hope that was lost when you or your family member was injured. We will fight aggressively to help you fully recover damages so you can focus on recovering and spending time with loved ones. Contact us online or by phone for a free consultation with nationwide surgical error lawyers.
Our Surgical Error Lawyers Can Help You
At LawMD, each of our attorneys have designated fields of practice in which they can assist you and your family with your claim. The attorneys that can assist with birth injury cases include:
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Why you may benefit from a doctor in your courtroom. We understand your injuries, because we’ve likely treated them.
Most of our physician-attorneys are either current or past treating doctors in, collectively, a wide range of medical specialties. There is a good chance one or more of our physician attorneys have actually treated medical conditions similar to the ones from which you or your loved one now suffers. That translates into care and understanding as your Counselors, and know-how as your Advocates.
Time and cost-savings for your case.
Any honest medical malpractice attorney will tell you that one of the greatest expenses in a medical malpractice case is having to pay physician experts to study the details of the medical issues in your case and, if necessary, provide testimony at deposition and trial. While even our physician attorneys may also need to hire outside medical experts for your case, our medical know-how allows us to perform a significant amount of the medical analysis necessary for your case in-house which may translate into significant savings at the conclusion of your case.
Rapid Response with solid answers to your serious questions regarding your case.
Because we have in-house medical know-how, we can evaluate the medical questions in your case and provide answers without a lengthy wait. Our internal process involves getting the issues in your case quickly in front of the right physician attorney who, based on his or her medical experience and training, is most likely to have the answers you seek about whether you have a case and how we might help you get the compensation you deserve to help secure a brighter future for you and for your loved ones.