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Brain Injury Lawyers

Brain Injury Lawyers in Washington DC

Recovering Compensation for Severely Injured Victims

Brain injuries are some of the most difficult types of injuries to treat. Because they range in severity and complexity, it’s difficult to know whether a victim will make a full recovery or if they will have life-long symptoms. If you’ve suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or head injury because of someone else’s negligence, you deserve to recover compensation and seek justice.

Many people who develop brain injuries have to pay for expensive medical bills, property damage repairs, and more. Our brain injury attorneys will hold liable parties accountable for your expenses so you don’t have to pay out of pocket. We can also request payment for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and mental anguish.

At LawMD, our lawyers are doctors, too. We know how devastating it can be to suffer a brain injury, and we are committed to fighting for your rights and getting you the outcome you deserve. To learn more about our services, contact our law firm today.

How Do Brain Injuries Happen?

Brain injuries happen when a victim is struck in the head. There are many types of accidents that can result in head injuries, some of which are caused by negligence.

The most common ways we see victims suffer head injuries include:

Slip and Falls

Fall accidents often result in brain injuries and head wounds. Elderly people and children are especially susceptible to traumatic brain injuries after a fall. Depending on why you fell, you could hold property owners or employers accountable for your injuries.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents, car accidents, truck accidents, and other accidents involving vehicles often result in brain injuries. Victims may hit their head upon impact or be struck by an object as debris flies through the air.


Injuries caused by gunshot wounds or physical violence also account for many types of brain injuries. These cases often involve criminal charges as well as civil lawsuits.

Being Struck by an Object

Being struck by a large object can cause a traumatic brain injury. Workers involved in construction accidents are particularly at risk, as many construction sites involve heavy machinery.

Sports Injuries

Contact sports have the potential to cause brain injuries. Soccer, football, boxing, and other sports put players at risk. Repeated head and brain injuries can lead to long-term damage over time.

What Are the Most Common Types of Brain Injuries?

Brain injuries are not one-size-fits-all. Depending on the type of accident you are in and the severity of your injuries, there are a few different types of brain injuries you could suffer from.

The main difference between brain injuries has to do with the severity of your injuries. Traumatic brain injuries are usually categorized as the following:

Mild brain injury: A mild TBI happens when a victim does not lose consciousness. However, victims may still feel dazed or confused and develop more symptoms later
Moderate brain injury: A moderate TBI occurs when the victim loses consciousness for several minutes or up to an hour. Moderate brain injuries can cause confusion that lasts for weeks or months
Severe brain injury: A severe injury is caused by a loss of consciousness that lasts for days, weeks, or months. In many cases, a severe TBI results in a coma or vegetative state

Along with severity, there are different types of brain injuries you may suffer from. The different types of brain injuries depend on what you were hit with and how hard you were hit.

The most common types of head and brain injuries include:


A concussion is caused by an impact on the head or a sudden and violent movement. Because concussions are relatively common, many people believe that they are not serious. However, concussions are brain injuries that can damage critical nerves. Multiple concussions can result in long-term symptoms.

Penetrating Brain Injury

A penetrating brain injury is when an object penetrates the brain through the skull. Many penetrating brain injuries are life-threatening and may require surgery.


When the brain develops a bruise, it is called a contusion. It’s usually caused by a direct blow or impact to the head that leads to bleeding and swelling inside the skull. Contusions can cause long-term damage, especially if they are left untreated.

Coup-Contrecoup Contusion

When the head is thrown or jerked around, the force of the movement can cause the brain to hit the inside of the skull. A coup-contrecoup contusion can lead to brain bleeding and swelling, even if there is no direct impact on the head.

Diffuse Axonal Injury

Violent and rapid movements can cause the skull to move faster than the brain. When nerves and brain tissue are torn, it’s called a diffuse axonal injury. This often happens during whiplash.

Anoxic Brain Injury

Anoxic brain injuries happen when brain cells die because of a lack of oxygen. Even after as little as 30 seconds without oxygen, brain damage can happen. When victims suffer oxygen deprivation for more than four minutes, it is very likely they will pass away.

Second Impact Syndrome

Second impact syndrome happens when a victim suffers a second brain injury after the first one has healed. Second-impact brain injuries often lead to disability or death.

What Are the Symptoms of a Brain Injury?

Brain injuries can cause many different symptoms. In most cases, your symptoms will depend on the type of head injury you sustain and the severity of that injury.

The most common symptoms of a brain injury include:

  • Confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Blurred vision
  • Personality changes
  • Severe headaches
  • Dizziness, nausea, and vomiting
  • Difficulty concentrating or speaking
  • Ringing in the ears

Not all brain injuries involve loss of consciousness; however, moderate and severe brain injuries often do. Even victims who don’t lose consciousness may suffer confusion after a traumatic injury.

While most victims experience symptoms after a head injury, some brain injuries go undetected. An untreated brain injury can cause even more damage, leading to long-term or permanent symptoms. Seeking medical attention after any blow to the head is essential, as you could have internal injuries that are not obvious.

A brain injury lawyer on our team can help you with your case no matter what symptoms you are suffering from. We know how devastating it can be to suffer such a severe injury that may have life-long consequences. We are committed to getting you the compensation you deserve.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of a Brain Injury?

Short-term symptoms aren’t the only way you can be affected by a brain injury. In moderate and severe cases, brain injuries can lead to brain fog, confusion, and long-term dizziness. Some brain injury victims cannot think or speak as they did before, and many victims have trouble keeping a job or performing the job duties they once did.

Victims of traumatic brain injuries may have trouble relating to family and friends in the same way they did before the accident. Brain injury victims sometimes feel isolated, especially if they have gone through personality changes.

A Washington DC brain injury lawyer at our law firm understands how challenging it can be to cope with these long-term effects. We are prepared to tackle your case today.

What Factors Impact the Severity of a Brain Injury?

Even mild brain injuries can require medical treatment and lead to permanent brain damage. The factors that affect your brain injury will impact the medical care you require and how much you spend on expenses.

Brain injuries vary in severity and symptoms depending on what part of the brain is injured. Those areas include:

  • Cerebellum: Cerebellum damage can affect coordination and may result in the loss of muscle tone. Many victims with cerebellum damage suffer from physical effects
  • Frontal lobes: Your frontal lobes are the largest lobes in your brain. They control things like speech and memory. Damage to the frontal lobes can cause long-term cognitive issues
  • Brainstem: Damage to the brainstem often results in coma or even death. The brainstem controls acts like breathing, swallowing, and heart rate. If your loved one passed away because of damage to the brainstem, our traumatic brain injury attorneys can help you pursue a wrongful death claim

What Kind of Compensation Can You Receive in a Brain Injury Case?

The goal of a personal injury claim is to recover compensation to pay for your expenses. Because of the complex nature of brain injuries, victims must often pay for extensive medical treatments. Other expenses, like lost wages, property damage repair, and a loss of future income, also add up over time.

When you’re injured in a negligent accident, you can request compensation for the following:

Economic Damages

Economic damages include any damages you have paid for or will have to pay for as a direct result of your injuries. You can calculate these damages using bills and receipts. In a traumatic brain injury case, these types of damages could include:

  • Emergency room visits
  • Hospital visits
  • Future medical expenses
  • Medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Lost wages
  • Future lost wages
  • Property damage repair or replacement

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages account for your mental health and emotional well-being after the accident. Brain injuries often cause long-term symptoms, which can affect your daily life. Non-economic damages could include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Permanent disability
  • Loss of companionship (for wrongful death cases)

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are additional damages that are often awarded in cases when the defendant acts exceptionally recklessly. For instance, if you were hit by a drunk driver, a judge may decide to award additional damages as a punishment for the defendant. These damages are meant to deter the liable party from repeating their actions in the future.

What Does a Brain Injury Attorney Do?

As you rest and recover from your injuries, you may be wondering if talking to an injury lawyer is worth it. The resounding answer to that question is yes. In most personal injury cases, victims who have legal representation receive a higher settlement offer than those who don’t.

As your Washington D.C. brain injury attorneys, our goal is to walk you through your case from start to finish. We know how challenging it can be to pursue a legal case while suffering from a traumatic brain injury or head injury, and we are here to answer your questions and address your concerns.

When you work with our team, we’ll do the following:

  • Investigate your case: Personal injury cases are all unique. We will take the time to investigate your case, learning exactly what caused your brain injury and identifying all parties involved
  • Assign liability: To receive compensation, you must assign a liable party who is responsible for your injury. Depending on the circumstances of your accident, there may be multiple liable parties
  • Gather evidence: Evidence from the accident scene, like photos, videos, and witness statements, can be used to prove your claim. Evidence from your medical records can be used to show the extent and severity of your injury
  • Negotiate with insurance companies: In most cases, an insurance company will offer you an initial settlement to cover your damages. However, this settlement offer may be lower than what you need. We’ll talk to insurance agents on your behalf to get the compensation you deserve
  • Take your case to court: If insurance agents won’t negotiate, we’ll prepare your case for trial. We can present evidence before a judge to recover everything you lost and more

Have You Suffered a Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury caused by negligence changes the way you live your life. The recovery process can be long, and many victims experience permanent symptoms. By working with a Washington DC brain injury attorney, you can hold liable parties responsible for their actions and recover compensation.

Our team at LawMD will help you navigate the legal process to get what you deserve. To speak to an experienced brain injury lawyer at our firm and learn more about our services, contact us today.

Contact us online or by phone for a free consultation with nationwide Brain Injury Lawyers lawyers.